Overall statistics

Total Number of Toxins3,678
Total Number of Targets2,073
Total Number of Toxin, Toxin-Target Associations42,374
Total Number of Synonyms41,602
Total Number of Pathways385
Total Number of Up/Down-Regulated Genes15,842
Total Number of Unique Toxin Types504
Total Number of Toxin Type Associations29,965
Total Number of References18,143
Total Number of Reference Associations154,631

Compound Statistics

Total Number of Compounds with Descriptions3,678
Total Number of Compounds with Structures or Sequences3,678
Total Number of Compounds with Chemical Taxonomic Data3,678
Total Number of Compounds with Ontological Data885
Total Number of Compounds with Mechanism of Toxicity3,244
Total Number of Compounds with LD50 Data1,169
Total Number of Compounds with Metabolism2,899
Total Number of Compounds with Health Effects2,898
Total Number of Compounds with Symptoms2,864
Total Number of Compounds with Treatment2,337
Total Number of Compounds with MSDS2,409
Total Number of Compounds with Targets3,425
Total Number of Compounds with Spectra3,976
Total Number of Compounds with NMR Spectra1,268
Total Number of Compounds with MS Spectra3,973
Total Number of Compounds with Gene Regulations417